Naail AbdulRahman


Apr 07, 2014

Kickstart Hackathon. FTW!

So the 1st EVER hackathon held in the Maldives concluded today, and I must say it was an awesome experience. We had 40+ Maldivian devs coming together and putting together some very interesting products during the 24 hour timeframe.

The kickstart blog and their website have more details of what went down.

We won btw. That's to say, myself and my partner in crime maail managed to snag the first prize from the peer voting process for our project titled Vindhu.

Vindhu, is a location based, social blood donation application which aims to invert the flow of people looking for blood, and encourage active, direct donations among the donor pool.

We hope to revise the app and make it available for the public soon.